Burn ke 4th VEX coin telah dilakukan di block number : 211839705 pada 31 desember 2022 dengan jumlah sebesar 39,235,495.
31 Dec 2022, 09:45
Burn ke 4th VEX coin telah dilakukan di block number : 211839705 pada 31 desember 2022 dengan jumlah sebesar 39,235,495.0447 VEX
dengan burn ke 4 ini juga dimulainya Era deflationary dari blockchain Vexanium yang dimulai di tahun 2023
Deflationary , proses pengurangan Supply VEX yang didapatkan dari berbagai aktivitas di blockchain Vexanium , dimana beberapa jenis deflationary (autoburn ) akan di update dalam bentuk proposal di tahun 2023
Proses Deflationary saat ini telah dimulai dari :
1. Reward Blockproducers (Miner ) yang teraffliasi CoreDev : 1,100,000 VEX
2. BTV (Bitvexa ) Burn :
3. Vexswap burn menyumbang : 115,000 VEX
BTV (Bitvexa ) Burn :
4. WVEX (vexwraptoken Burn ) :
5. Storage fee (RAM )
6. dan beberapa burn DEFI dari komunitas
burn hash dari berbagai explorer :
Same news in other sources
231 Dec 2022, 11:42
The 4th VEX coin burn was carried out at block number: 211839705 on December 31, 2022 with an amount of 39,235,495.0447 VEX
With this 4th burn, the deflationary era of the Vexanium blockchain begins in 2023.
The 4th VEX coin burn was carried out at block number: 211839705 on December 31, 2022 with an amount of 39,235,495. 0447 VEX.
The 4th VEX coin burn was carried out at block number: 211839705 on December 31, 2022 with an amount of 39,235,495.0447 VEX
With this 4th burn, the deflationary era of the Vexanium blockchain begins in 2023.
31 Dec 2022, 09:53
The 4th VEX coin burn was carried out at block number: 211839705 on December 31, 2022 with an amount of 39,235,495.0447 VEX
With this 4th burn, the deflationary era of the Vexanium blockchain begins in 2023.
Deflationary, the process of reducing VEX Supply obtained from various activities on the Vexanium blockchain, where several types of deflationary (autoburn) will be updated in the form of proposals in 2023
The current Deflationary process has started from:
1. Block producers (Miners) affiliated with CoreDeveloper Rewards: 1,100,000 VEX
2. Vexswap burn donated : 115,000 VEX
3. BTV (Bitvexa TAX swap) Burn
4. WVEX (vexwraptoken Burn )
5. Storage fees (RAM )
6. and some DEFI burn from the community
burn hashes from various explorers :
The 4th VEX coin burn was carried out at block number: 211839705 on December 31, 2022 with an amount of 39,235,495. 0447 VEX.
The 4th VEX coin burn was carried out at block number: 211839705 on December 31, 2022 with an amount of 39,235,495.0447 VEX
With this 4th burn, the deflationary era of the Vexanium blockchain begins in 2023.
Deflationary, the process of reducing VEX Supply obtained from various activities on the Vexanium blockchain, where several types of deflationary (autoburn) will be updated in the form of proposals in 2023
The current Deflationary process has started from: ...